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Not Just Another Time Management Course for Leaders

True leaders are intentional about time. They prioritize the deep, rewarding work that is essential to leadership. They never use “busy” as an excuse. They make time for their people. And they find time for the rest of their life. With TimeFraming®, our proprietary time management course, you can achieve all this … and more.

TimeFraming® is designed for senior executives who want to access the potential buried beneath their oppressive schedules and the grind of the status quo … to take their leadership and effectiveness to the next level.

What’s different about TimeFraming®?

TimeFraming® is a revolutionary approach that transforms the way you think about time, turning it from an enemy to an ally, from a limitation to an opportunity.

Conventional approaches to time management are a rusty relic of the Industrial Era. And all the latest time management tools and time management skills—that you see in airport bookshops—will never quite help you manage your time because they sidestep the most important part of the equation: you. The critical factor is always the frame of mind —or mindset—you bring to each moment. That’s why we start with the person, not the clock. 

Enter TimeFraming®…

TimeFraming gives you practical strategies that enable you to develop rocket-fueled clarity about how you use your time. No matter how busy you think you are, with TimeFraming you can find time for what matters. You can create spacious days that enable you to truly lead. You can reconnect with what gives you joy and find time for that. And you can transform your calendar from an ‘undifferentiated wall of time’ into a colorful and full-bodied expression of what you most want.

Specifically, TimeFraming enables you to:

  • Figure out what’s causing your chronic overcommitment.
  • Identify activities and behaviors that give you the most leverage.
  • Optimize time for joyful absorption and flow.
  • Build the conditions that will make your new habits stick.
  • Empower your people to work in a healthier, more sustainable way.

How TimeFraming® works:

Step 1: Think differently

First, we help you reframe the unchallenged assumptions you’ve made about time that hold you back. You learn the myriad “types of time”—how much more variety is possible in your life—and discern the types of time needed for the specific outcomes you want.

Step 2: Choose better

Then, we help you with deep prioritization—how to make the hard choices that are your job as a leader. You get clear about what will propel your leadership to the next level and you ringfence space for your own wellbeing, and for whatever or whoever you love.

Step 3: Optimize success

Choosing is not enough—you must identify the success metrics that match your intention. Failure to do this is a major cause of misalignment, disengagement, and discouragement. But by setting the right success metrics for each time period, you are primed for both success and satisfaction.

Step 4: Deepen impact

There’s more. We teach you how to be focused, engaged, and aligned in each period of time, so that you are not just doing what you choose to do—you are also enjoying doing it, doing it well, and absorbed in the doing. You are paying attention. And you are deeply enjoying doing what you want. And you and your team can be in flow because you are all aligned—in long-term strategy as well as daily tasks—doing the right thing at the right time.

Step 5: Embed change

Finally, your new habits will need help. We support you in changing the culture around you—whether that means enlisting your team, your assistant, your family—to protect and defend the time you need, so that these blazingly clear and inspired choices become your new normal.

Three formats to meet your needs

We know you’re busy (or think you are). That’s why we offer training and coaching in TimeFraming in three different formats:

Executive Coaching

We assign a senior executive coach to work with you one-on-one— this is part personal training, part coaching—to apply the TimeFraming® process to your personal challenges and strategic opportunities. We help you diagnose your calendar, identify your desired types of time, design a new “operating model,” and implement the changes with your assistant, team, and family.

Online Training

Join a small cohort of senior leaders for our four-week online training and coaching program. In just three hours per week, you learn the core elements of TimeFraming® through training, exercises, and live group coaching. You get powerful feedback and support from your peers—other leaders who know what it’s like.

Top Team Transformation

Beginning with a rapid consulting and diagnostics process, we develop a training course tailored to your team. We help your team get clear on work that really needs to get done, where the timesucks are, and co-design better ways of working together. We also help your team listen to—and honor—the diversity of their personal time needs and find ways to reconcile them—an essential conversation in the world of hybrid working.

By doing this time management course as a team, you create new time agreements and healthy team habits. Doing TimeFraming together builds engagement, alignment, and trust. Colleagues feel heard and understood and, finally, your team becomes laser-focused on shared strategic goals.


Why conventional time management courses don’t work

You may have tried many time management courses, books, apps, or techniques in the past. You may have learned some useful tips and tricks, but did they really get you what you want? Did they really change the way you think and act about time? Did they really make a lasting difference in your life?

Here are some reasons why:

Conventional time management focuses on the clock, not on the person.

It treats time as a fixed and objective resource that can be measured, divided, and allocated. It ignores the subjective and emotional aspects of time that affect our motivation, energy, and satisfaction.

Conventional time management assumes that one size fits all.

It offers generic solutions that are supposed to work for everyone, regardless of their personality, preferences, or situation. It neglects the diversity and complexity of human beings and their needs.

Conventional time management relies on external tools and systems, not on internal skills and habits.

It teaches people how to use calendars, planners, timers, or apps to organize their tasks and appointments. It doesn't teach people how to set priorities, make decisions, communicate effectively, or cope with stress.

Conventional time management is reactive, not proactive.

It teaches people how to deal with the demands and interruptions that come from outside. It doesn't teach people how to create their own agenda and vision for their time. It doesn't teach people how to say no or negotiate with others.

TimeFraming® is different from conventional time management.

It’s a novel approach, based on the principle that effective time management techniques must follow from reframing time, i.e., from the inside out.

It helps you change your mindset, make clear choices, identify success metrics, maximize impact, and implement change. It helps you use your time as a strategic asset for your personal and professional growth.

TimeFraming® is not just another time management course. It is a life-changing experience that will transform your relationship with time and yourself.

Why mindset matters

TimeFraming® helps you realize that time is flexible and you have more control of it than you realized. But this takes clarity, confidence, and commitment. You must become highly intentional: taking responsibility for what you want and aligning time with your goals and values. And you must frame the time you want by creating the conditions for success.

Our commitment

With TimeFraming, you will never think about time in the same way again. No longer a victim of time, you will be a leader of time, seeing time not as a limitation but a joyous opportunity for the expression of your deepest potential.

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Next TimeFraming Course Begins September 19