Keynote Speaker
It’s Time to Get a Leadership Keynote Speaker on Time
Time is every leader’s biggest challenge, the common denominator in every moment of stress, every worry, and every strategic decision. That’s why choosing the right leadership keynote speaker on this essential topic can have an enormous impact on your conference audience. A leader who improves the way they manage time gains a huge personal and commercial edge … and can transform their organization.
Time is the underlying factor in everything that top leadership contends with: prioritization, high performance, budgeting, goal setting, deadlines, hybrid working, and of course, employee engagement. It is fundamental to work/life balance and mental and physical health.
Indeed, a leader’s success is directly related to how well they use their time. As a leader is responsible for directing the time and, therefore, the attention of their entire team and organization, each leader’s choices, habits, and attitudes about time can impact thousands of people.
Who we are
Each an established leadership keynote speaker, we are thought leaders with real-world experience helping top leadership and large organizations to finally break through the time barrier, to stop blaming time or bemoaning “busy” and see time as a powerful strategic ally.
The problem is that traditional time management no longer works. That’s why we went back to the beginning, drawing on physics, philosophy, and psychology, to completely rethink time.
Our conclusion? Solving your time problems is not about learning new tricks, tools, and hacks — it is about changing your mind. Thus, we bring a unique, thought-provoking, and transformational message to each leadership keynote we deliver. Your participants leave not just with practical tools to radically and immediately improve their lives but insights that forever change the way they think.

Martin Boroson, a bestselling author, TEDx speaker, Yale MBA, and Zen priest brings a mindfulness perspective to this complex problem.
Carmel Moore, a Fast Company author, Chartered Accountant, and ex-EY partner, speaks powerfully from her personal experience as a senior corporate leader.
We maintain a network of motivational speakers and leadership experts who marry our unique perspectives on time with their expertise in presence, performance, emotional intelligence, and AI.
Our clients for speaking engagements have included Google, Barron’s Financial, Charles Schwab, Hines Investment Management, and the Wisdom 2.0 conference.
Speaking Topics: from Carmel Moore
Hybrid Working? Not So Fast
The pandemic has paved the way for new ways of working. A recent poll of UK workers, conducted by EY as part of its Work Reimagined Employee Survey, found that nine out of ten employees want flexibility in where and when they work. But hybrid working isn’t easy. It requires deep listening, new kinds of flexibility, and the ability to be truly inclusive, so that everyone—regardless of where they are—is at work, on target, and part of the conversation.
In this talk, Carmel Moore, director of The One Moment Company shows you:
- How people are already screwing up hybrid working,
- Ingenious ways of responding to the challenges,
- How to make Hybrid Working sustainable.
Who’s the Boss? You or Your Calendar?
It’s easy to blame your calendar for constantly feeling overwhelmed. You cry out, “My calendar is a nightmare” or “I’m back-to-back” as if some digital deity were secretly driving your life. But what is really going on? Is technology populating your days with other people’s priorities? And how do you wrest back control?
In this talk, Carmel Moore (“The Calendar Coach”) shows you:
- Why the inability to say ‘no’ is hurting yourself and your organization,
- How to break free from the scheduling shackles,
- How to make the small changes to the way you ‘calendar’ that exponentially enhance leadership success,
- How to find time for what actually matters.
Not all time is created equal
Learn the art of TimeFraming®
So many people, when they open their calendar, see undifferentiated blocks of activity stretching far into the future. It doesn’t matter whether you are creating, reporting, reviewing, brainstorming, meeting, dining, exercising, or doing any number of other things—your calendar couldn’t care less. The result? Everything starts to feel the same, and at the end of the day, you feel unfulfilled and exhausted.
But not all time is created equal.
In this talk, Carmel Moore, aka the Calendar Coach, introduces the practice of TimeFraming®, a practical technique to restore the true variety of life. You will learn how to eschew the pale facsimile of digital days, find greater ease, joy, and focus throughout the day, and reclaim the true diversity of time.
Nine to Five: No More Way to Make a Living
How the new world of hybrid working finally gives the chance to rethink the working day.
It took a pandemic to kill off the fiction of “nine to five.”
For over a century, “9 to 5” has been the primary way of conceiving a workday, despite the reality, which is that we work more than eight hours, we work at all different times, and we never switch off. But it took a global pandemic to finally kill off the fiction of “9 to 5.” But what will replace it?
In this talk, Carmel Moore, co-creator of The New Rules of Time leadership program, explores:
- Why the 9-5 was already redundant before COVID-19,
- How the pandemic changed everything,
- Can we trust employees to choose how and when to work?
- Will hybrid working stick? Will it supersede the 9-5?
- Why, in a ‘knowledge economy,’ the most valuable work is often done ‘off the clock.’
- How to find sustainable new models of working time.
No Accounting for Time
Ever since humans assigned a numerical value to time, we have been measuring it and counting it, spending it and saving it, and even jealously guarding it. We worry that we have too little, we fret when things take too long, we get angry when people take too much, and we feel guilty for wasting it. But time is not a supply problem. But instead of the traditional numerical method, what if there were a more useful way to value time?
Carmel Moore knows how to account for time. As a Chartered Accountant and deadline-obsessed Tax Director, she realized, firsthand, how the traditional way of measuring time was burning out her and her peers. Now a leadership coach, she suggests a new way to balance the books: instead of valuing time numerically, start DOING what you value and trust that time will follow.
A Real Leader Leads On Time
Consciously or not, a leader determines how everyone in the organization spends time. A leader creates the organization’s “time culture” – a culture that can be frenzied and chaotic or calm and creative. Yet few leaders take time to think about how they are using time, not to mention the time culture they have created. Yet a leader’s demeanor and behavior about time cascades throughout the organization.
In this talk, Carmel Moore, organizational consultant and former Big 4 partner reveals:
- The personal toll for leaders of poor time accountability,
- The costs to organizations when leaders don’t take ownership of time,
- How conscious modelling of positive time habits creates more capacity to lead.
Speaking Topics: from Martin Boroson
No time? No problem.
How to have the time of your life
We have more time-saving devices than ever before … yet no one has enough time. And with the nature of work changing radically, and natural rhythms and sleep cycles so distorted, we face even more challenges in the way we organize time.
In this provocative, philosophical, and ultimately, positive keynote, Martin Boroson explores the strange history of time, what time really is, and what you can do to finally have the time you need. His thesis: We’re not crazy because we’re busy; we’re busy because we’re crazy.
You will learn:
- Fascinating stories from the history of timekeeping
- The reasons why so many people suffer from ‘time poverty’
- What’s wrong with “time management”
- The surprising mind shift that can finally give you time
This is the Moment You've Been Waiting For
No leader wants to be asleep at the wheel. No leader wants to miss the next great idea. Yet so many leaders fail to see the opportunities right in front of them–due to chronic stress, out-of-date habits, fear of change, or poor self-management. In this keynote, Martin Boroson—executive coach, Yale MBA, and Zen priest—presents a new approach to leadership based on the power of present-moment awareness. He shows you why being in the moment – relaxed, awake, and responsive – could be the most vital skill you need.
You will learn:
- How to develop present-moment awareness
- Why this moment is the only moment that matters
- How present-moment awareness can help you adapt to change, seize the moment, and liberate momentum
Ready for Anything
From stress to high performance in just a moment.
So many people live in a state of chronic stress—overwhelmed, unfocused, and always playing catch-up. The consequences are serious: unhealthy choices, insomnia, and illness—making us even more short-fused, error prone, and burned out. In this keynote, Martin Boroson gives you basic training in One-Moment Meditation®, his radically simple technique that has helped millions boost resilience, reboot their mindset, and remember just how much can change in just a moment.
You will learn:
- A life-changing skill that only takes a moment — proven to reduce stress by 33%
- How every moment—no matter how stressful —gives you an opportunity to become more adaptable, creative, and resilient
- You will learn why stress is contagious … and how to ‘stop the stresscalation’
Great Leaders Have Time
Being “busy” is no excuse.
The greatest leaders never use “busy” as an excuse or badge of importance. Rather, they value having empty space in their day—time for reflection, visioning, listening, and connecting. Instead of being ‘time poor,’ they can be generous with time … when the time is right. In this keynote, Martin Boroson, senior executive coach and co-creator of TimeFraming®, issues a wake-up call to overwhelmed leaders everywhere.
Key takeaways
- Why “busy” is a poor excuse
- The costs of not having time
- How to get out of the ‘busy trap’
- Top tips to become a leader who has time
Time Management: It’s So Last Century
“Time management” is a rusty relic of the industrial era—a world where people punched the clock, employers ‘extracted’ labor, and success was measured in units produced. It is completely out-of-date for the new economy – where work is hybrid, the output is creative, the workforce is diverse, so many people are gigging, and work happens anywhere, anytime.
In this keynote, Martin Boroson, co-creator of The New Rules of Time curriculum, shows you just what’s wrong with those 19th-century assumptions and what urgently needs to change.
You will learn:
- How what you think about time is out-of-date.
- How out-of-date assumptions are getting in your way.
- How to create healthy ‘time charters’ for the new normal.
- The new art of TimeFraming®
The Productivity Paradox
Why “time hacks” will never get you there.
It’s such a widely held belief: To have more time, you must work harder, better, faster. You must be more efficient and more productive. But strangely, this attitude never gets us anywhere—we’re busier than ever. So, what’s the problem? In this keynote, time guru Martin Boroson explores the paradoxes of productivity and helps you take steps to finally get off the hamster wheel.
You will learn:
- How the compulsion to be more productive is backfiring.
- Why “productivity” makes no sense for knowledge workers.
- How being unproductive is essential for innovation.
- The cost of choosing productivity at all costs.
How to Give Good Meetings
Guess what? Meetings were a problem before Zoom. People complained about boring, unproductive meetings and days of back-to-back meetings, and having so many meetings that they couldn’t get any work done. But in this crisis is an opportunity: the opportunity to rethink how we meet, who shows up, and how we show up.
In this talk, both philosophical and practical, Martin Boroson, Yale MBA and Zen priest, shows you:
- How to have only essential meetings.
- How your choice of meeting impacts performance.
- Techniques to host happier, more productive meetings.
- Radical new thinking in meeting design.
- How to enhance presence — yours and everyone else’s.
News and Articles

As a leader, what happens when burnout hits? Are you able to spot the signs of burnout and know when you need support from a burnout coach? With so much vying for your attention, this may not be easy. The good news it that there is more efficient way to get over burnout, and one that doesn’t take much time.

For leaders, work-life balance professional coaching means looking first at how you are leading. Have you accumulated toxic habits? Is your “operating model” out of date? Is the way you are managing time appropriate for a leader of your level … or are you still acting as if you were at a lower level? What are the hidden beliefs that constrain your effectiveness and your ability to enjoy your life and your work? Take our "work life balance audit" here ...

If you, as a leader, are bold enough to force your team to come into the office for in-person meetings—requiring them to get out of their sweatpants, organize child care, brave the weather, and suffer the commute—you better make sure those aren’t bad meetings. So why are you allowing them to bring their laptops?

At the beginning of COVID, several of my coaching clients began reporting a strange problem: they were missing executive travel—in particular, flying business class.These clients—senior executives and management consultants—confessed this to me only sheepishly, as they knew it was a first-world problem, particularly in the time of COVID.