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Liberating Time Management for Leaders

If time is life, what are you doing with yours?

Time management? Forget it.

It’s a rusty relic of the Industrial Revolution. Its cheap tricks and quick hacks exhaust you in trying to get more stuff done on a never-ending to-do list … and never getting there. At the One Moment Company, we take a different approach. We are liberating time management for leaders.

We want to ease the burden of the working world – and free you from unnecessary distractions.

We want to help leaders like you enjoy your life, achieve your objectives, and have time to truly lead.

Going right to the fundamentals—the physics, philosophy, and history of time—enabled us to develop radical new principles and practices that are fit for the 21st century, for how people live and work now.

But to do that, we first had to determine what went wrong with conventional time management. We had to figure out why, despite centuries of “saving time”, the whole world is still “crazy busy”.

Using our blended expertise in strategy, consulting, accounting, depth psychology, and mindfulness, we can offer full-spectrum solutions to your problems with time.

Our conviction is that effective transformation of the human relationship with time requires two things: practical change (the outside) and a mindset shift (the inside).

And what we wish for you is simple:

 A life that is time well spent.

Our Programs


Learn to use laser-sharp intention to promote deep work and ring-fence time for what matters.

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Calendar Coaching™

Leverage each day better – and start doing what only you can do – with this personal time audit.

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Give conference attendees a thought-provoking keynote on this endlessly intriguing subject.

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Courses and Events

Stay informed about our public programs, coaching cohorts, and special events for senior leaders.

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Unblock logjams and restore flow with our consultation on organizational time culture.

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Question Urgency™

End out-of-control work practices with these powerful agreements on what matters when.

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Our Approach

We Start with You

Don’t forget: Getting a grip on time is not just good for you – it impacts everyone you work with.

As a leader, you are the metronome for your people and their activities. You set the strategy, budget, prioritization, deadlines, and pace for your whole organization. You identify the important tasks. You also model time for others – your own time habits have a huge impact on your people.

If you are spending too much time on the wrong things, everyone else is, too. Effective time management for leaders is critical to the success and happiness of your team. At the end of the day, it starts with you.

And then your team

Time is a significant, often hidden, factor in every aspect of organizational life. from strategy and priorities to meeting time and deadlines.

Failing to be proactive about your organization’s “time culture” creates and perpetuates conflict, stress, disengagement, and burnout. Isn’t it time to stop passively accepting “it’s just like that around here”?

And that means: Once we’re finished with you, we’re just getting started.

We help your team develop healthy new time practices, and we enable you to resolve business problems—how things don’t get done—that are actually being caused by a toxic time culture.

"To understand ourselves means to reflect on time, but to understand time we need to reflect on ourselves."

Carlo Rovelli
The Order of Time

Who we help

Our effective time management strategies have helped a wide range of business leaders from across Fortune 500, FTSE 100, global professional services and consulting firms, to find a better way to work and live.

Our transformational coaching and consulting is essential for leaders—CEOs, COOs, People Leaders, Heads of Leadership and Talent Development, Chiefs of Staff, and Functional or Business Unit Leads—who want to create new, healthier ways of working for themselves, their employees, and their teams.

How we help

Global Pharma Business

We helped a team shift focus from everyday execution to future strategic direction.

This Finance Leader in a Global Pharma business needed his people to be more strategic. Throughout COVID, his leadership team was relentlessly focused on the short-term crisis but losing sight of the long-term vision. And his planning sessions were poorly-attended; failing to engage people. Using TimeFraming, he completely reframed the planning process as vital to the health of the organization. Far from being boring—just numbers and spreadsheets—his meetings are now full and lively, re-branded as “North Star” time. They’ve become unmissable.

Global Investment Firm

We helped this organization shift gear from “always urgent” to a more sustainable pace.

This senior leadership team was painfully aware that everyone in their business was crazy busy, with even the most routine “asks” badged as ‘urgent tasks’ requiring immediate attention. This way of working had become unsustainable. We diagnosed their unique version of this universal problem. In their case: a major reorganization had left people unclear about roles and responsibilities. To compensate, team members had developed a culture where everything was treated as urgent; everyone was consulted on everything and FOMO abounded. We rapidly created and delivered training programs at scale to help them get an immediate handle on urgency and importance. We provided 1:1 Calendar Coaching to senior leaders to get their priorities (and schedules) in order, and provided their leadership team with a new framework for clear decision-making. The result? They dialed down the compulsive sense of urgency and breathed a sigh of relief.

Leading Environmental NGO

We helped this busy leader find sufficient time to do his own best work and, intrigued, the team followed suit.

An Exco Member of this influential organization complained that, ironically, his working day gave him no time to work. His day was filled with meeting requests, and, in a highly collaborative organization, operating in a very open-plan office, he just didn’t get enough time to dig into the work that he loved and that only he could do. With our guidance, he began to use TimeFraming explicitly to set time in his day for “Work Time” … even adding this to his calendar. After a while, people began to notice these stretches of time he had blocked out and ask what he was doing in this time he called “Work Time”, to which he simply replied, “working.” This crazy idea caught on. Soon, “Working Time” became a team practice. Productivity rocketed and engagement followed.

"These are world-class facilitators."

Carine McCrae Boily, Director, Talent and Culture Mila (Artificial Intelligence Institute, Quebec)

What Our Clients Say about Our Effective Time Management Strategies

A life-changing opportunity to re-imagine what you think you know about how to plan your time, which is how you live your life.  

— Erica Ariel Fox, Thought Leader, Mobius Executive Leadership, NYT Bestselling author of Winning From Within. 


“Having been around this topic in HR for a long time, I had never seen anything like this program before. This was completely new material and an amazing learning. This course is very, very relevant in the workplace. … The timing is so perfect for what is needed in the world right now.”  

Caroline Barth, Chief Human Resources Officer, Lonza


“When was the last time you sat with yourself to consider what you do with your time and how you relate to time? When you use time as an excuse, or feel it as an oppressor, a healer or money-maker. This course gives you a unique opportunity …  to explore beliefs and values that shaped who you are, how you relate to time, what you do with your time, and what time you are denying yourself … ”

Elina Koussis, Leadership Development Leader, General Electric

For Leaders and Teams


Learn to use laser-sharp intention to promote deep work and ring-fence time for what matters.

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Calendar Coaching™

Leverage each day better – and start doing what only you can do – with this personal time audit.

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Give conference attendees a thought-provoking keynote on this endlessly intriguing subject.

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Courses and Events

Stay informed about our public programs, coaching cohorts, and special events for senior leaders.

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Unblock logjams and restore flow with our consultation on organizational time culture.

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Question Urgency™

End out-of-control work practices with these powerful agreements on what matters when.

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News and Articles

Leaders: Why You Need a Work-Life Balance Coach

For leaders, work-life balance professional coaching means looking first at how you are leading. Have you accumulated toxic habits? Is your “operating model” out of date? Is the way you are managing time appropriate for a leader of your level … or are you still acting as if you were at a lower level? What are the hidden beliefs that constrain your effectiveness and your ability to enjoy your life and your work? Take our "work life balance audit" here ...

| Carmel Moore
Read article
The Key to Bad Meetings: Bring Your Laptop

If you, as a leader, are bold enough to force your team to come into the office for in-person meetings—requiring them to get out of their sweatpants, organize child care, brave the weather, and suffer the commute—you better make sure those aren’t bad meetings. So why are you allowing them to bring their laptops?

| Martin Boroson and Carmel Moore
Read article
The 6 Guilty Pleasures of Executive Travel

At the beginning of COVID, several of my coaching clients began reporting a strange problem: they were missing executive travel—in particular, flying business class.These clients—senior executives and management consultants—confessed this to me only sheepishly, as they knew it was a first-world problem, particularly in the time of COVID.

| Martin Boroson
Read article

Next Course for Leaders